UN Secretary-General Moves Article 99 to ‘Full Court Press’ for Ceasefire in Gaza

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has made a major move by invoking Article 99, which has shifted the emphasis of the ceasefire negotiations to a “full court press.” The seriousness of the situation is highlighted by the activation of the panic button, which is akin to the Secretary-General’s concern. The Secretary-General is using his authority under … Read more

Red Crescent: Help is urgently needed, as just 10% of the needed aid reaches Gaza.

The spokesperson for the Palestine Red Crescent Society, Nabil Faresk, recently revealed to Al Jazeera that only ten percent of the necessary supplies is making it to Gaza. Faresk underlined that choosing the lesser of two evils is now a requirement for being a Palestinian. He said that because of Israeli military shelling, people in … Read more

After the deaths of women and children, the Iranian president predicts that Israeli rule in Gaza will end.

Iran’s Tehran The massacre of women and children in Gaza has given Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi confidence that Israel’s “government” will end on Tuesday. Before bringing the yearly budget measure for approval to the parliament, Raisi delivered these comments to the parliamentarians. He said, “We will, God willing, witness the victory of the Palestinians and … Read more

Increasing Tension: Israel-Hamas Real-Time Battle Report – Fear Stakes Southern Gaza Amid Israeli Bombing

With Israeli airstrikes occurring on a daily basis, southern Gaza is immersed in fear as the confrontation escalates quickly. Israel has stepped up its attacks in the Gaza Strip, concentrating on locations close to medical facilities and the ground operations-related southern enclave of Khan Yunis. Concerns about how Israel’s “blind bombardment” is affecting Palestinian people … Read more