“Russian President Putin to Visit UAE and Saudi Arabia, Hosted by Iranian President”

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, will be hosted by the president of Iran during a working tour to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in a diplomatic manoeuvre. President Putin will meet with the leaders of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia on Wednesday and then hold talks with the president of Iran the following day, according to Dmitry Peskov, the spokesperson for the Kremlin.

President Putin has previously discussed possible collaborations on global oil markets within the framework of the OPEC+ group, according to Peskov, when asked if he would bring up the subject during his Gulf travel. He made it clear that the issue has always been on the schedule.

This journey took place just after OPEC+ decided to reduce output by about 2.2 million barrels per day, allaying fears in the oil market. In the context of speculation and uncertainty in the oil market, the decision was perceived as an attempt to stabilise oil prices.

President Putin’s travel itinerary fits the needs of the major oil-producing nations. The UAE and Saudi Arabia, the biggest oil exporter in the world, are significant participants in the global energy scene. Yuri Ushakov, the deputy chief of the Kremlin’s foreign policy, was cited by SHOT News Outlet to disclose the specifics of President Putin’s trip.

SHOT claims that President Putin will first travel to the United Arab Emirates before moving on to Saudi Arabia. Talks are anticipated to mostly centre on Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

In recent years, President Putin has travelled abroad on several occasions, mostly to former Soviet states. His most recent overseas trip, which took place in October in China, demonstrated Russia’s attempts to fortify diplomatic relations with nations outside of the former Soviet Union.

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