Erdogan Warns Israel of Severe Consequences if Hamas Members Arrested in Turkey

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent a strong warning to Israel, threatening serious consequences if Israel captures Hamas militants in Turkey.

President Erdogan warned Israel on Wednesday not to target Hamas operatives in Turkey, saying that doing so would have severe consequences. After the latest fighting, he said these things when hostilities in the Gaza enclave ceased.

In addition, Erdogan criticized the creation of a buffer zone in Gaza following the ceasefire, calling it a project that belittles Palestinians. He expressed disapproval of the initiative and emphasized that the Palestinian people should make decisions on Gaza’s future.

According to reports in the media last week, Israel had discussed its plans for a buffer zone with several Arab states, including Turkey. Erdogan told journalists on a trip home from Qatar that the Palestinian people would determine Gaza’s future after the battle, according to Turkish media source Haberturk. He was adamant that Israel had to leave the areas it now controls.

Erdogan went on to discuss the present state of affairs in the area, blaming the United States for the West’s continued support of Israel. He asserted that the United States support of Israel was the cause of the current circumstances in the area.

The robust position taken by the Turkish president highlights the intricate dynamics in the Middle East, particularly concerning the Israel-Palestine conflict and the involvement of several regional actors. Erdogan’s remarks demonstrate Turkey’s sympathy for the Palestinian cause and its opposition to any perceived violation of Hamas members’ sovereignty within its borders, even in light of the ongoing tensions.

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